Research on Extraction and Matching of Linear and Curvilinear Features in Vision Motion Analysis 视觉运动分析中的线特征提取与匹配方法研究
According to the missile trail with preset curvilinear motion, the missile exhaust plume is simulated by using particle system. 根据预置曲线运动导弹的轨迹,应用粒子系统对曲线运动导弹的尾焰进行模拟研究。
Applicability of Plane Curvilinear Motion Acceleration Formula to General Curvilinear Motion 平面曲线运动加速度公式在常见曲线运动中的适用性
Curvilinear motion of a particle acted by a constant force in relativistic mechanics is studied. 研究在相对论情况下受恒力作用质点的曲线运动规律。
γ,ν and a of Point M in the Spacial Curvilinear Reference Frame and Their Relationship of Conversion in Different Ones A NEW VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE AND THE CORRESPONDING EQUATIONS OF MOTION OF A HIGH-ORDER NONLINEAR NONHOLONOMIC SYSTEM OF VARIABLE MASS ON A NONINERTIAL REFERENCE FRAME 点M在空间曲线坐标系中的r,v和a及其在不同坐标系中的变换关系变质量非线性非完整系统相对于非惯性系的一类新型变分原理与运动方程
In this paper, different motion states such as the accelerated rectilinear motion and curvilinear motion are simulated and the relativity between the prediction error basing on the Kalman Filter and the motion state is presented. 目前,卡尔曼滤波是捷联惯导系统初始对准的最成熟、应用最广泛的滤波方法。本文通过对不同的运动状态进行仿真实验,给出了基于卡尔曼滤波算法得到的预测误差与运动状态的关系。
This article deals with grinding of cutter blade hyperbolic edge by means of linear profile, analyses curvilinear equation of cutter-blade ground edge, derives grinding motion equation for linear profile, and calculates grinding errors. 本文讨论了采用直线形靠模机构磨削双曲线刃口刀片的若干问题,分析了所磨削的切料机刀片的刃口曲线方程,建立了直线靠模的磨削运动方程式,并进行了磨削误差的分析计算。
Therefore, when training throwers, trainers are suggested to improve the curvilinear motion and controllable speed in the run-up acceleration, to reduce the loss of run-up speed, which is essential to the results. 在标枪运动员的训练过程中,应从提高助跑加速的形式曲线即可控速度方面进行训练,减少助跑速度的损失,这对掷标枪运动成绩有着重要的现实意义。
Realization of Curvilinear Motion Control for Wheeled Mobile Robot 轮式移动机器人曲线行走控制的实现
From the formula of the plane curvilinear motion acceleration and the mathematical knowledge of ellipse, the author deduces the formula of the relative physical elements in the planetary elliptical motion and offers a simple way to deal with this kind of problems. 从平面曲线运动加速度公式出发,运用有关椭圆的数学知识,导出行星椭圆运动时相关物理量的表达式,对此类问题给出了一种简捷的处理方法。
On Ship ′ s Curvilinear Motion Features and Related Elements 船舶曲线运动特征及相关要素探讨
On the Mathematics Derivation of Tangential and Normal Acceleration of a Particle in Curvilinear Motion 曲线运动中点的切向和法向加速度的数学推导
The problem of the first passage time of standard Brownian motion to cross curvilinear boundary is discussed, and from the result the single-sided and two-sided piecewise curvilinear boundary crossing probability of Brownian motion is derived. 讨论了标准布朗运动关于曲线边界的首出时问题,求出了标准布朗运动停留在单侧、双侧曲线边界内的概率的近似表达式。
This paper expounded and studied the curvilinear motion of a round ring by 3& dimension vector method systematically. The motion equations of curvilinear rolling were presented. 本文对圆环的曲线滚动以三维矢量法进行了阐述与研究,并导出其曲线滚动运动方程。
This variability came from the diversity of the determining factors, which caused the progress of the power of checking death penalty made curvilinear motion with the influence of various complicated factors. 这种变化上的多样性,来之于决定因素的多元化,使得死刑核准权总是在各种复杂因素的综合影响下作曲线运动。
Go a step further, beginning with the relation of the general curvilinear coordinate system and its corresponding reciprocal base, we derived the description of the particle's motion in the reciprocal base, and the covariant components of the particle's motion were obtained as well. 进一步地,从一般曲线坐标系与其对应倒基的关系出发,导出了一般曲线坐标系对应倒基下对质点运动的描述,并进而给出了质点运动对应的协变分量。
This paper helps briefly derivate a general acceleration formula of curvilinear motion with an acceleration definition and the concepts of curvature circle, and obtains an important conclusion. 利用加速度的定义和曲率圆的概念较简单地推导出了一些曲线运动中加速度的公式,并得出一些重要结论。
By establishing an orthogonal curvilinear coordinates system ( exponent coordinates system) this article describes the angular position vector of the particle position and the angular displacement vector of particle motion, and builds up the equation of angular displacement vectors of a pyramid. 通过建立一种正交曲线坐标系,即指数坐标系,定义了描述质点位置的角位置矢量和描述质点运动的角位移矢量,并得出了棱面角之间存在的数学关系。